


The 7 Chart Patterns that Consistently Make Money

The 7 Chart Patterns that Consistently Make Money"
  • Determining market direction
  • Recognizing and benefiting from winning chart patterns
  • Mastering money management techniques including; setting Profit
  • Targets, Stop Loss levels and Risk:Reward ratios for every trade
  • Making Support and Resistance, Trendlines, Gaps, Fibonacci Retracements and other amazing technical analysis tools easy to use
  • The material is condensed into just 70 pages, so you can read it quickly and refer to it often.
  • The 7 Chart Patterns Book will indoctrinate you to The entire philosophy of SignalWatch, OmniTrader, and the 3 Step Process for Successful Investing.

    "After studying the markets for 20+ years, I have come down to these 7 patterns as the key predictors of direction, in any market...if you confirm your entries with these simple patterns, you'll be light years ahead of the average investor."
    -- Ed Downs, CEO and Founder
    OmniTrader by Nirvana Systems