
In addition to the Fundamental field viewing capabilities of MetaMarket Plus, this advanced companion to MetaStock version 8 allows you to add Fundamental criteria to the MetaStock Explorer. As part of the installation you will also receive 40 new MetaStock Explorations covering a variety of Industry Searches and Fundamental criteria searches. You can easily construct your own combined Technical and Fundamental criteria, or, you can modify any of the 40+

The Perfect Fundamental Analysis Tool
A plug-in for MetaStock 8.0 and above

Product Information
n addition to the Fundamental field viewing capabilities of MetaMarket Plus, this advanced companion to MetaStock version 8 allows you to add Fundamental criteria to the MetaStock Explorer. As part of the installation you will also receive 40 new MetaStock Explorations covering a variety of Industry Searches and Fundamental criteria searches. You can easily construct your own combined Technical and Fundamental criteria, or, you can modify any of the 40+ Explorations provided with this product. The online manual provides full details of the explorations, field definitions and example MetaStock Formula Syntax.

To run any of these new Explorations from MetaStock simply click on the Explorer and you will find them listed and ready to run. Pre-written scans include Industry Subgroups Performance, Earnings Before Interest & Tax, Operating Margin, Return On Equity, Total Shareholders Equity and many more.

MetaMarket+ Features:

  • A clear and concise display of the fundamental information on a security.
  • Use it stand alone or in conjunction with your favorite charting program as a quick and easy reference tool.
  • With hundreds of fields of information to choose from you can configure your profile list to display the information you want to see.
  • The formula calculator allows you to build your own trading indicators that combine both technical and fundamental information

MetaMarket+ integrates directly with MetaStock. Open any chart in MetaStock and MetaMarket+ will automatically display the fundamental information for that security. If you have several charts open at once simply ‘click’ on the security you wish to view and MetaMarket+ will instantly display it’s profile list.

Use MetaMarket+ full screen or re-size it to be displayed along with charts in trading programs like MetaStock, OmniTrader, SuperCharts, TradeStation, Advanced GET or your favorite charting and technical analysis program.

By combining both the fundamental and technical approach to trading you have the complete picture on exactly which stocks to buy and sell.

Why Fundamental Analysis?
In these times of continued market volatility, some tried and proven principles still hold the key to long term successful investing.

Amidst all the uncertainty, one thing is known to be true, and that is in the equity markets, performance is everything. Throughout history, large institutional investors have targeted strong performers, and company earnings and financial strength are the key measures by which investment opportunity is assessed.

And why do we place a premium on knowing what kind of companies are attractive to institutional investors ? Well put simply, it is the big players that move share prices. When institutions decide that a company is attractive its price will rise. Its as simple as that.

Traders looking to get an edge in the market today understand the importance of knowing what is important to the big players and therefore evaluate the company’s financial strength and earnings outlook to narrow down a list of likely prospects.

MetaMarket + is a powerful yet easy to use product that offers you easy access to company performance information.

Use MetaMarket + to weed out the weaker performing securities and guide you toward the higher performance driven companies. Then use technical analysis to time your trades in and out of the markets.

Fundamental Data Updates:
Fundamental data does not change rapidly, however, you may update fundamental data for MetaMarket + weekly via the internet through the Paritech Fundamental data service. The first year of updates are included with your initial purchase.

System Requirements:
Windows 98/ME/2000/NT/XP operating system, 50MB hard drive, internet connectivity (to update the data), CD-ROM Drive, MetaStock 8.0 or above, Pentium processor, 64 MB memory or better...
